Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone has recently been in the limelight owing to her film ‘Padmavat’s’ controversy. The actress also admitted to being stressed because of receiving threats to her life. Now, the actress is making the news again, this time for apparently purchasing a posh residence in London. And it’s not just another fancy abode for her. Reportedly, the actress has planned to spend a lot of time in her new home away from home. A source close to the actress revealed, “Deepika has acquired a dream house for herself in London. It’s going to be her idyllic hideaway. As soon as ‘Padmavat’ is released, she intends to travel and spend considerable time on her own before returning to her next film project.”
The source also added that the threats to her life have stressed her out a lot more than she has willingly admitted to the public. “Deepika needs a long break away from home. The London residence that she has acquired is just that,” the source added. Apparently, the actress has put together the entire home in London, on her own. “It is her private space, to be shared only with herself,” concluded the source. Well, it looks like a break away from all the controversies will do well for Deepika.
The post बलिवुड अभिनेत्री दिपिका पादुकोणले लण्डनमा किनिन् यस्तो भब्य घर, हेर्नुस यस्तो छ भित्र- appeared first on Taja nepali news. SHYANE
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