We live in a society where we can find different kind of person in terms of their different mindset. Some are soft as butter and some are hard as rock. It depends on their perception of looking at various things. We usually say that, peoples are living form of god. If this living god became devil then worst things happen. Here is a true story of a man who used to rape her daughter repeatedly. Watch this video to know details.
The post कन्यादान गरेर बिदाइ गर्नु पर्ने उमेरमा छोरीलाई बार बार बलात्कार गर्ने नरपिचास बाउ(भिडियो सहित) appeared first on Taja nepali news.
http://ift.tt/eA8V8Jfrom SHYANE http://ift.tt/2CyLd8o
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